Herbal Remedy for Motion Sickness

Ginger Root

When many people think of ginger as an herbal remedy, motion sickness, morning sickness and other forms of nausea are the first to come to mind. Motion sickness has traditionally been treated with ginger, and modern science has since proven through clinical studies the efficacy of this pungent spice as a remedy for this condition.

Ginger as an Herbal Remedy: Motion Sickness Relief from an Ancient Spice

Ginger's primary active chemical component is gingerol, a compound that gives it its pungency and "hot" taste. Gingerol has been scientifically proven to be a valuable anti-motion sickness agent. It has even been reported to be more effective than dimenhydrinate (the active compound in Dramamine) to reduce motion sickness. It is notable that the benefits of ginger do not come with the unpleasant side effects that are typical of pharmaceutical drugs, such as heart palpitations, blurred vision and sluggishness.

Motion sickness can be triggered by almost any kind of travel - by car, boat, train and plane. It occurs when the inner ears, eyes and body each send conflicting signals to the brain, creating disorientation and causing dizziness, nausea, headache and queasiness.

Early symptoms include: restlessness, yawning, pallor, a discomfort in the upper abdomen and a cold sweat on the forehead and upper lip. As the symptoms progress, dizziness, upset stomach, increased salivation, drowsiness and malaise set in. Finally, nausea and even vomiting may result.

Ginger is believed to ease motion sickness by neutralizing its ill effects on the gastro-intestinal tract. It works by increasing digestive fluids, while neutralizing and absorbing both stomach acids and toxins. There are different ways in which you can take ginger as an herbal remedy. Motion sickness can be prevented or relieved by taking it in any of these forms.

Ginger Tea

An herbal decoction is a refreshing and easy way to take ginger as an herbal remedy. Motion sickness symptoms may recur during your trip, so make enough ginger tea to take with you.


  • Fresh ginger root, three-inch section
  • 3 cups of water
  • Dash of peppermint
  • Dash of lemon juice


  1. Peel and thinly slice or grate the ginger root.
  2. Place the slices in a pan and pour in the water.
  3. Bring the water to a boil and then let it simmer for ten to twenty minutes.
  4. Strain this into a glass.
  5. Add lemon to taste to taste, if you like.
  6. Sip a cup a half hour before you travel.
  7. Carry the remaining herbal decoction with you on your trip. Use a thermos flask to keep it hot. Sip on the decoction at the first sign of any symptoms.

While you may take your ginger tea chilled or over ice, you will get the maximum benefit from this remedy if you drink it hot. You may sweeten it with some honey or stevia leaf if you like.

Ginger Ale

This is another form in which you can take ginger as an herbal remedy.


  • 1 tsp fresh ginger root
  • 1 tsp red raspberry leaf
  • 3 cups plain water
  • 1 cup carbonated water
  • Dash of lemon juice


  1. Peel and thinly slice or grate the ginger root.
  2. Place the ginger and raspberry in a pan and pour in the plain water.
  3. Bring the water to a boil, turn the heat down and then let it simmer for ten to twenty minutes.
  4. Turn off the heat and let it steep for 10 to 15 minutes. Strain out the herbs.
  5. Stir in the carbonated water and the lemon juice.
  6. Sip a cup a half hour before you travel. Carry some with you and sip on it at the first sign of any symptoms.

Ginger Supplements

Standardized amounts of gingerol are widely available in capsule form, especially at health food stores. Take two or three 500-milligram capsules 30 minutes before you set off on your trip. During your trip, take one or two more capsules every four hours or as the symptoms occur. This will help ward off, or minimize motion sickness.

Other Ways to Take Ginger for Motion Sickness

Here are three other ways to benefit from Ginger for Motion Sickness

  • Munch it raw
  • Suck on ginger candy
  • Use tincture of ginger

Safety First

Before you take ginger or any other supplement, it is important to consult with your doctor or other health care practitioner. Call your doctor if your motion sickness symptoms get too severe or if you throw up often during the trip. There is always a chance that the symptoms you experience are caused by a condition other than motion sickness.

There are several OTC and prescription medications that you can take to prevent and treat motion sickness. However, ginger offers a safe, natural and refreshing alternative that can be just as effective - perhaps even more effective - as these pharmaceutical drugs.

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Herbal Remedy for Motion Sickness